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Cigar and Newsstand
Relevance of online legal printable forms for licensee, permitting the sale of cigar and newspapers
Cigar and Newsstand periodicals and magazines are being sold in hotels nowadays. Being sanctioned by the hotel owners, popular brands and companies are often seen endorsing their products and services within the hotel premises. Agreements have been made between the licensor and licensee with regard to such sanctions that were generally not prevalent earlier. In order to keep this agreement valid, agreements are made on a regular basis between the two parties. Several online forums are introducing popular tools in the field of legal procedures which has been proved very useful for people who are involved in small yet equally important legal matters. Such forums are known to offer several sample for required legal documents in form of pre-made agreements.
Pre-formulated contract details
The only task that remains for the legal parties is to read through the formulations and terms that may be agreed upon and adhere to its policy by signing on the bond. In order to fulfil such task, they do not need the consultations of attorneys.
Important for renewing agreements
If the licensee desires to holds its license to sell tobacco products, cigarettes along with newspapers and periodicals, then he should adhere to the policies that have been agreed upon by the hotel owner and him. Cigar and Newsstand agreements are made available to the willing parties for a specific term periods and it has to be renewed after the end of every term. Hence the availability of such printed forms will tend to be useful in every sphere of contracts and bonds that involves legal sanctions and procedures.
Where to download Cigar and Newsstand Template?
Sample Template Preview
Agreement made this _________, 19__, between _________, of _________, as licensor, and _________, of _________, as licensee.
Licensor is the owner [or “lessee”] of a hotel located at _________.
Licensee desires to acquire the sole and exclusive license to sell in the hotel cigars, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, books, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals:
Therefore, it is agreed between the parties as follows:
1. Licensor, in consideration of the promises of licensee herein, grants to licensee the sole and exclusive right to sell, in the hotel, cigars, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, books, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals, and to use for it the space in the hotel described as follows: _________.
2. Licensee, in consideration of the granting of this license, agrees to pay to licensor _________[state amount and times for payment].
3. Licensee further agrees to obey all reasonable rules and regulations of licensor in regard to the conduct and management of the hotel.
4. _________[insert any other provisions agreed on by the parties in separately numbered paragraphs].
5. This license shall be for a period of _________ years from the date of this agreement, subject to revocation by licensor before expiration of such period in case of failure of licensee promptly to make the payments provided for or in case of breach by licensee of any provisions to be kept or performed by licensee under this agreement.