Sales Thank You and Gift Certificate Letter-Work For Equity

Always keep your customers happy

One of the best ways of growing your business rapidly is the word of mouth. If people start talking good things about your products then you will become popular very fast. For that you will first of all have to provide the best quality product and great services. The point here is to not let people find any good reason to not come back to you the next time. If your product and service was good they would obviously think of you the next time they need similar product. Even after you have dealt with the client in the best way you should not let them forget your services. And the best way to do that is a sales thank you and gift certificate letter.

When it has been quite a while since the customer last came to you, it is a great idea to remind them of your great services. To do that all you need is to send a thank you letter. In this you will thank them for letting your serve them. To take things to the next level, you can also add a gift certificate to it. You can offer then a discount for their next sale. This will incline them towards your product if they were already thinking of buying one. It will also make them feel special in a way. And due to this they might talk about this with their friends. Thus you will not only get back your old client but also might get some new ones.

Sales Thank You And Gift Certificate Letter


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July 14, 2000

Mr. and Mrs. ____________

Dear Mike and Sally,

Welcome to your new home!  We just wanted to say “Thank You” for giving us the opportunity to work with you on the purchase of your home.  We hope you are very satisfied with your home and the way we handled the sale and wish you many years of happiness and good luck in the future.

As a token of our appreciation, we want you to enjoy a dinner on us.  Enclosed are gift certificates to be enjoyed at your leisure.

Thank you again and if there is ever an opportunity we can help you, a family member, or friend in buying or selling a house, please give us a call.  We would appreciate any referrals!



Jon R. Kubas