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Tenant Information
What are the tenant information which is needed
At most times, the landlord is not known to the tenant and vice versa. Therefore, the landlord needs to ask the tenant certain pertinent questions before allocating the house to him or her. Some of the details are what normally one will ask in the course of conversation but some may escape being asked. The questions which are needed as part of tenant information are:
The name, address, soc. Sec. no, the home as well as work phone numbers including who is it who lives with them including the ages of their children. They also need to know about the pets, how many there are and what kind of pets there are – including if they are reptiles, birds or animals. And if animals, the size and breed. They also need to know if there is a waterbed or not, the number of vehicles as well as the make of the vehicle and the license number. It also consists of where the person works, where the co-tenant works, when they will move in, the current rent they are paying, till what date the rent is paid up and when the rent is due. It also includes details of the refundable deposits which are paid towards the keys, security, cleaning as well as others. It includes details of the furnishings if it belongs to you or to the owner of the building.
Finally it consists of details such as if there is a rental agreement or the lease date as well as the number and name of the emergency contact.
Where to download Tenant Information Template?

Sample Template Preview
Your name ____________________________________________________________
Your address ________________________ Soc. Sec. No. ______________________
Your home phone _____________________ Work Phone ______________________
Who lives with you? (include ages of children please) __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
What pet(s) do you have? ________________________________________________
Do you have a waterbed? ________________________________________________
What vehicle(s) do you have? Make(s) _____________________________________
License(s) ______________________________________
Where do you work? (Company Name) ____________________________________
Where does your co-tenant work? _________________________________________
When did you move in? _________________________________________________
What is your current rent per month? _______________________________________
What date is your rent paid up to right now? _________________________________
When is your rent due each month? ________________________________________
What refundable deposits have you paid? Keys $ ________ Security $ ____________
Cleaning $ _________ Other (please explain) $ ______________________________
When you moved in, you paid your first month’s rent. Did you also then pay your last month’s rent? ________ If so, how much was it? $ ___________________
Which of the following furnishings in your dwelling belong to the owners of the building? (Please give room locations where appropriate)
Carpets ____________________________ Drapes ____________________
Shades ____________________________ Blinds _____________________
Stove ______________________________ Refrigerator ________________
Other appliances (Please list) ______________________________________
Other Furniture (Please list) _______________________________________
Do you have a rental agreement or lease in writing? ___________________________
If so, what is the date of the latest one ________________________________
In case of an emergency, what friend or relative should we contact?
Name ________________________________ Phone No. _______________Date _______________ Your Signature ___________________________________