AFFIDAVIT OF OWnership- Assorted Legal Forms

What is the need of affidavit of ownership

An affidavit of ownership is a legal document that declares how a person purchased or inherited a piece of property or a vehicle. They are used to identify the heir of deceased person. The document is used to state the ownership of real property. It is considered as an official record. Vehicle, land and home are included in personal property and it can be transferred to another person by using an affidavit of ownership. To become effect, the document has to be signed by a notory public and two witnesses who knows the family but doesn’t stand to gain financially. You should be aware that the legal document cannot be taken into effect, if there is any debt secured by real estate. The witness used for signing the legal document must specifically know the decedent, the decedent’s date of death, name of family members and whether there are any sort of outstanding debts to be paid.

The need of affidavit of ownership

There are some times, you will need to explain what is yours. The affidavit is used to prove that you own something. You will be required to make this document with the help of an experienced lawyer when you need to prove the proof of your ownership of property and you need to provide the proof of ownership of vehicle. This legal document is often used when deed isn’t enough. If you lend money from financial institution, banks and lenders, they would ask you to provide an affidavit of ownership.

Affidavit Of Ownership

Affidavit Of Ownership

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The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that they are the owner of the following described property in ______________________ County, ___________________________________________________State, described as follows:

More commonly known as:

Tax I.D. No:


Deponent further says that:
__________ A.   There have been no repairs, alterations, remodeling or new construction on the
above described premises in the last ninety (90) days.

__________ B.   Deponent has contracted for repairs, alterations, remodeling or new construction
on the above described premises which have been completed within the last ninety
(90) days,  Deponent paid for all of said improvements directly to the contractors
and there are no unpaid bills or claims for labor or services or material in con-
nection therewith except as follows:                                                       ______________________________________

__________ C.   Deponent has contracted with a general contractor for repairs, alterations, remod-
eling or new construction on the above described premises which have been com-
pleted within the last ninety (90) days.  The sworn statement of said contractor for
improvements, and appropriate supporting waivers of lien, are submitted herewith.
Deponent has not been served with any notice that a lien will be claimed on the
above described premises for labor performed or material furnished except as
follows:                                                                                                                                                                                           ______________________________________________________________________

__________  D.   Deponent has not other liens on said property other than those described here:

DATED:________________________________   SIGNED BY:



Subscribed and sworn to before me this  __________ day of ____________, 20__.

Commission Expires: ______________      __________________________________

Notary Public